Our people

Meet the team

As a volunteer organisation people are with us for varying periods of time.

Rather than list every adult volunteer, we’d like to introduce you those you’re most likely to encounter in your day to day Scouting.

Senior Leadership Team

Group Scout Leader

Amy Richardson – is our Group Scout Leader and has overall responsibility for the Group. She approves all activities. It is her role to ensure the group runs effectively and that Scouting develops in accordance with the rules and policies of The Scout Association so that young people can benefit from good quality scouting.

Assistant Group Scout Leader

Louis le Roux and Stuart Walne are our Deputy Group Scout Leaders and support Amy in her role whilst acting as her delegate.

Adult Leaders

Squirrel Team

Kelly Staton – is the Section Leader of the Squirrel Drey (Squirrels). She is supported by Laura Clapham, Emma King, Shauna Garner, Brian Robinson and other volunteers. 

Beaver Team

Liz Wallington – is the Section Leader of Tuesday Beavers (Castor colony), Paul Nicholson and Ailsa Garside – are the Section Leaders of our Thursday Beavers (Millstones colony), they work with the other volunteers to plan, run and lead our Beaver programme and events.

Cub Team

Sharon Chan and Adam Huckle – are the Section Leaders of Tuesday Cubs (Alegre pack), Craig Dyson and Leanne Sunter are section leader of Thursday Cubs (Bella Vista pack).

Scout Team

Jim Dawson – is the Section Leader of Monday Scouts (Enigma troop), He’s supported by Nicky Shaw and Alison Lee as the Assistant Section Leaders. 

Shauna Garner – is the Section Leader of Wednesday Scouts (Apex troop). She is supported by Jane Hollingworth, Louis Le Roux, Charlotte Hollingworth and Jeff Coles. 

Explorers, Young Leaders and Network

Explorers are a District provision.

Young Leaders are attached to Barnsley Explorers, and join the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts to support the programme, events and develop their leadership skills.

Network is also a District provision provided to bridge the gap between 18-25.

Executive Committee (Charity Trustees)

Group Chair

Janet Worthington – is our Group Chair. She’s responsible to leading and steering our trustees in their supportive goals and aims.

Group Secretary

Jonathan Westwood – is our Group Secretary. He’s also hot on compliance and data.

Group Treasurer

Nicki Bedford and Julie Gillard – are our Group Treasurers and are responsible for leading the group’s financials.

Membership Secretary

Lisa Riches – is primarily responsible for our joining list. She coordinates accepting applications, placing young people and supporting the movement of young people between sections.

Facilities Management

Steven Bocking, Louis Le Roux and Stuart Walne – are responsible for our premises. They work with third parties on maintenance. 

Other trustees

Laura Simpson, Sharon Chan, Wallace Morley, Jim Dawson, Shauna Garner and Kate Rushforth are also members of the Executive Committee and Trustees of the Charity. They are equally as important, but aren’t in named roles.

Amy, Stuart and Louis, as the Group Scout Leader team are also trustees of the charity.

Vacancy for a Youth Member of the Executive Committee.