Dear Supporters,


We have had a project accepted into the AVIVA Community Fund and voting starts today! This project will enable the current and future members of Penistone Scout Group to engage in more outdoor sports; specifically Archery and Climbing. The group has several volunteers who have trained and gained accreditations in the past 12 months which enable them to provide archery and climbing instruction for groups of Young People in the outdoors.

The funding will allow us to purchase archery and climbing equipment which in turn will allow us to provide over 300 members of the group aged between 6 and 18, access to exciting and adrenaline filled activities. It will also enable young people aged 14 and over access to the instruction and training, allowing them to allow teach younger children and to gain valuable life skills and training accreditations to help them secure future employment.

The equipment we want to purchase is fully portable so can be used anywhere, which will enable us to offer taster sessions to other young people not connected to the group or in remote areas.

300 members of the group will benefit from the use of this equipment straight away and additionally, future members joining the group will also benefit, the expected life of the equipment, if looked after is measured in years, for example, climbing ropes have a 3 year lifespan and archery bosses (targets) 10 years depending on use. The expected ten-year life cycle will see over 1000 young people benefit from this grant

Owning our own equipment for archery and climbing will allow greater flexibility and affordability for young people. To provide these types of activity from external trained organisations, will cost £60 per hour or £600 per day. Our own equipment will be far more cost-effective.

There are proven benefits in providing these activities to young people, they learn new skills, spend time outdoors in healthy environments, exercise, develop learning and coping strategies and get plenty of social interaction with other young people and adults. Additionally, adult volunteers providing instruction learn new skills and develop opportunities for careers advancement.

Finally, generations of young people have benefitted from Scouting in Penistone and the surrounding areas, the group continues to grow and develop and providing activities not readily available is a key to the success we enjoy. This grant will directly benefit existing members of the group and hundreds more over the lifetime of its use.

You can vote for us HERE

Please share to your friends and family

Thank you
