Fast Forward: Edition 12 – the week ahead

Each Sunday, as part of our “Rewind” series we normally look back over our week of Scouting. Recapping and linking back to posts of the week. It’s been the holidays, so this week it’s a “Fast Forward” post instead; focusing on upcoming events and getting info to you.

Fast Forward: Edition 11 – the week ahead

Each Sunday, as part of our “Rewind” series we normally look back over our week of Scouting. Recapping and linking back to posts of the week. It’s been the holidays, so this week it’s a “Fast Forward” post instead; focusing on upcoming events and getting info to you.

Executive Committee vacancy: Deputy Treasurer

Got a head for numbers, budgets and the financials? We are looking for someone fabulous to join our team; an individual who can take on the role of our Deputy Treasurer. Don’t have much time? Well you’re just what we need…

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