Scoutfest 2021 – Save the date

The virtual camp to end all virtual camps!

Every couple of years, the opportunity comes to join other groups from South Yorkshire County for a large camping event at Hesley Wood Scout Activity Centre. With COVID restrictions easing but still very limiting, it hasn’t been possible for such…

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Come see our new look website

It's not all spit and polish

To keep you informed of events, programme and what’s going on for the young people of Penistone Scouts, we use a mix of Online Scout Manager and our group website. Over the last 12-18 months, we’ve ramped up our usage…

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It’s great to be back face-to-face

Scouting in Penistone is returning to a new normal

We are proud of the young people for their engagement in our virtual programme; however, nothing replaces being able to meet face-to-face again. All of our group sections are now meeting regularly face-to-face. From sessions at the Scout Hut, Silverwood…

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Working with young people not your thing?

We’re looking for people to make an impactbehind the scenes. Tell us what you’re interested in, and we’ll help you find something that matches your skills (and the time you have available). We’d love to give you the chance to…

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Volunteering. It’s good for you.

We rely on people like you playing theirpart to give young people the opportunities they need. But volunteering’s not just about givingsomething back. It’s also about doingsomething that’s good for you. Volunteering gives you career-boostingskills, improves your wellbeing, andhelps you…

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Face to face Scouting changes (May 2021)

With the National Youth Agency (NYA), UK Scouting has been in dialogue with the UK Government throughout the pandemic. This information is based on their latest discussions. From 17 May, we move to Yellow status (Stage 3). There is very…

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Thank you, Penistone Area Team

As part of our preparations for getting back to face-to-face scouting, we’ve been successful in a grant application with Barnsley Council (under the Penistone Ward Alliance). We’ve purchased a sanitising fogger unit and the chemicals to go with it. We…

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Volunteering updates

We were staggered to recently see some headquarters stats that many parents/guardians want to help but have never been asked. At Penistone, we aren’t backward at coming forwards for asking for your support. We’ve worked at being more specific about…

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