Thank you, Penistone Town Council

We applied to Penistone Town Council for a grant to support some modernising of our fire safety at Penistone Scout Activity Centre. We are delighted to share that we were successful and have now spent the monies. The monies have…

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New neckers

Penistone Scouts has a long history – we started back in 1910, a mere three years after Baden Powell began the Scout movement! We celebrated 100 years of Scouting in Penistone in 2010. A commemorative necker created and has been…

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Antarctic Fire Angels set to inspire Penistone Scouts

Scouting is all about different experiences and opportunities, trying something new and gaining skills for life. As part of this, we are delighted to share that Penistone Scouts will be hosting the very inspirational and fabulous Antarctic Fire Angels twice…

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District Easter Egg competition

As it is approaching Easter, I thought it would be nice to run a little competition for everyone in the District to take part in. Nothing too difficult – design your own Easter egg. It is open to every young…

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Getting back to face-to-face Scouting (March 2021)

We excited to be able to share the latest updates regarding face-to-face Scouting for Penistone Scouts. UK Scouting, with the National Youth Agency (NYA), has been in dialogue with the UK Government throughout the pandemic. This information is based on…

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Opportunities await everyday heroes

Lockdown is being eased… …face-to-face Scouting will become a reality again! The young people can’t wait……neither can we! Getting out of the house, being with others,having a laugh, an adventure, skills for life… …these are some of the things Scouting…

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Reflecting on recent Scouting

What a week! With most young people back at school on Monday, we saw the tide of normality start to creep ever so slowly back towards the shoreline. For sure, we’re a long way off our new normal, but it’s…

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Could you be our next treasurer?

As a youth charity, we want what’s best for young people – their development, engagement, and experiences are the reason for our group’s existence. To support our awesome youth facing volunteers, we need to have a full and proper grasp…

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Face-to-face Scouting as lockdown eases

We are delighted to be able to share some positive updates regarding face-to-face Scouting. UK Scouting, with the National Youth Agency (NYA), have been in dialogue with the UK Government throughout the pandemic. Last week, our National Leadership team shared…

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