Cub’s Autumn Camp 2022

This weekend cubs from both packs descended on Hesley Wood for their last outdoor camp of 2022. After a thoroughly wet night on the Friday the weather improved just in time for the fun to begin. We spent Saturday trying…

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Beaver’s Sundown Sleepover

After arriving at the scout hut during a shower early this morning, the beaver’s went on to enjoy a glorious day of sunshine at Sundown Adventureland. The day started with a minibus drive, which lasted far too long for our…

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Cubs Climb the Wall Sleepover

After what has seemed like a life time to both the cubs and the leader team, we finally managed to converge on the scout hut and enjoy a weekend of messy science shenininghans, entertaining the masses, fire safety theory and…

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Messing about on the river

Our beaver colonies enjoyed an evening at Bower Dell playing in the field and sailing the boats they had made a couple of weeks earlier as part of their junk modelling.

Thank you to our volunteers

We love being able to shout about great people

Everyone volunteer makes an impact on the young people, and often on other volunteers too. Amidst the call for new adult volunteers to join us in Scouting, it’s vital to me that we recognise and take time to thank those…

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Scouting in 2021 and how it’s #GoodForYou too

How we fit into the national campaign

If you’re on social media (and we appreciate not everyone is), you’ve probably seen a lot more activity on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram than normal over the last week or so. Woven between the posts about regular Scouting, future…

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Celebrating 35 years of Beavers

Happy birthday to our youngest youth section

Like many others before it, Tuesday evening saw our youngest youth section coming together for their weekly face-to-face session. This week was a little different and very special meeting, though. Whilst Scouting is approaching 115 years old, and Penistone Scouts…

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